Lauren Manu

Lauren Manu

Lauren Manu. Natural Parenting Mama

When I first found out about Lauren Manu, my children were already old enough to walk, but if I had had the chance to meet her sooner, certanly it would have been easier to wear them. I discovered later that she is a volunteer, a very good person and a very happy mother.


 question Who is Lauren Manu?
I was born just outside of Chicago, Illinois in USA. I lived just outside of the city my entire life. I went to the University of Iowa for Studio Art and Art Education. After, I completed my studies I taught preschool for many years. I love being around children and helping them to discover and explore the amazing world we live in. I married in November of 2007 and have been blessed with two amazing little boys. I think of myself as driven, educated, passionate and creative. I am a APing, Babywearing, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, c-section, VBAC, hypnobirthing, natural parenting mama.
question Why Romania? How did you end up in Brasov?
The first time I came to Romania to visit was 2005,for a month. I then returned in 2010 for a month. After my visit in 2010 I felt that I needed to move to Romania. In the spring of 2011 I visited Romania for three months alone(without my husband). In this time I began to pick-up the language and fall deeply in love with Brasov and the people of Romania. We relocated to Romania from Chicago in 2012 and we live in the village of Persani. I ended up in Brasov because my husband is Romanian and from Codlea, most of our family live in the state of Brasov.
question When and why did you choose to support babywearing and breastfeeding?
I choose to support Babywearing and Breastfeeding because I am a mama. I understand the joys and difficulties of breastfeeding, a mother’s desire to be able to provide breastmilk to her child and the incredible bond a mother and baby get when breastfeeding. The best feeling is being able to help a mama and baby. I chose to start BABYWEARING BRASOV last year because I want to share my passion to carry my boys with all the families of Brasov so that everyone can feel the joy of their baby breathing slowly against their chest as they nap.
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question Please describe what you do within your support groups.
Brasov LLL is a mother to mother support group run with the principles of La La Leche. Mamas can get FREE support with any step of lactation. Babywearing Brasov is a mother to mother support group. I have monthly topics and lessons as well as one on one help FREE of charge. I also have assembled a large library of carriers/ slings/ wraps that families can try and play with FREE of charge and without a pressure to purchase.
question If you had chosen to do something different, what would it be?
If I did something different It would be Metal Smithing and Jewelry Making. I would love to make a living off making beautiful pieces of Art. Recently I have thought of becoming a midwife….
question What is the essence of motherhood from your point of view?
I think the essence of motherhood is breathing in your children, knowing everything about them (interests, fears, loves etc), accepting them, embracing them and loving them. Every day. Every second for exactly who are now and eventually will become.
question What would you tell a young mother to do?Three most important things.
1- Decide what is best for you and your partner and your baby. Trust yourself and your instincts.
2- Find a group of mamas friends that will be honest and accepting. And then get out of the house and meet them, even if it takes you 2 hours for a 30 minute visit you will love yourself more afterwards.
3- It doesn’t matter if you have $1,000, 000, 000 or $100 love your baby like you have never loved before. The love of a child is not determined by stuff but by your love for them.
question Where can we find you?
I can be found working in poverty stricken areas in the state of Brasov. I also work in the children’s hospital of Brasov teaching new mamas basic parenting skills and encouraging them during their time spent in the hospital with their child(ren). I offer 2 FREE support groups per month with more coming soon- hopefully!!! Babywearing Brasov is the 1st Wednesday of every month from 9:00- 12:30 LLL Brasov is the last Friday of the month from 10-30- 12:00
For help or advise outside of meeting times I am available in Brasov Mondays.
For more information please visit my Facebook Groups.
Thank you Lauren for sharing!


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